High User Satisfaction With Strategic Planning

Over the years, strategic planning has enjoyed high user satisfaction.  According to Bain & Company, user satisfaction with strategic planning remained strong across recent decades.

Satisfaction with strategic planning as a management tool is a testament to its effectiveness in helping organizations set and achieve their goals. It is essential for organizations seeking to thrive in competitive markets and navigate uncertain futures.

You may want to consider strategic planning for your own organization.  This is true for young companies that have been around for just a few years but are growing their customer base and staff.  It’s also true for organizations that have been around longer and who are seeking ways to improve service quality and customer satisfaction while increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of their operations.

Strategic planning allows leaders to step out of their day-to-day and month-to-month mindset and set aside some of their valuable time to discuss with their leadership (and board) long-term issues.  For many, it is an opportunity to create compelling mission and vision statements.  For others, it is the perfect framework for developing agreement on short- and long-term priorities.

As one of my clients put it, “The strategic plan helped us strengthen our financial position so that we could move from being in the red to the black. It also enabled us to build a stronger leadership culture.”

Contact me if you would like to discuss how strategic planning can help your business be more successful.